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Monday, July 22, 2013

Weekend Highlights: My First Cross Off!

What was a weekend of nothing planned turned into one of the best.  It's funny how that happens, those random spur of the moment trips that turn into memories you will always have.  This is part of why I love blogging, getting to document my life.  Though I missed out on a music festival back home, check out Two Thirds Hazel (My IRL Best Friend), she blogs about this hippie fest, I actually
 didn't miss it as much as I though I would.  
Highlight Number One:  Dragon swam for the first time!  It was seriously the funniest thing.  She dove head first into the pond and came back up and had that "Oh Shit" look on her face.  It was priceless, really!  I'm so mad that I missed taking a picture of it.  

Highlight two:  This view.  Philly and I headed up to Lake Tippecanoe for the weekend.  The weekend involved lots of dancing and singing, night boating, cider beer, swimming and good time with friends.

Highlight Three:  Being on the Lake.  This reminded me a lot of home.  I'm surrounded by lakes back home in Upstate NY, I live in the Finger Lakes region.  Seriously its gorgeous and we are nicknamed Ithaca is Gorges. :)
 Highlight Four:  I got to cross off my first item on my list!  Number 23, Skinny Dip!  Not what I thought would be my first item on this list but hey, it ended up working out!  
This is when things started to get crazy fun!  And yes there is a lil pic of me holding my suit to prove I completed 23!

Highlight Five:  Saying up till 3am.  I seriously cannot remember the last time I stayed up passed 3am, I know its really sad!  I swear though as soon as I turned 23 my ability to stay up late just stopped!
Highlight Six:  Sunshine!  It's been one of the rainiest summers so It was nice to finally get some some Vitamin D.

Highlight Seven:  Having my first Family trip.  Yes the dogs got to come along!

Dragon thinks that Mouse is a chair.  
That concludes my amazing weekend with my Bf, pups, and friends.  Oh and I am super depressed that it is over, Monday go away!


  1. Your weekend sounds so fun! I'm super jealous that you got to cross of #23, I've always wanted to skinny dip!


  2. Your weekend sounds fabulous and everyone needs to go skinny dipping at least once in their life !!! Glad you crossed it off

  3. Umm you've definitely been naked in my pond. Or is this things from now on?

    Dragon actually looks like a Dragon.

    And Tippecanoe? Tip a canoe. Is that real haha

    1. 1. Yes we were like 14 I decided I wanted to do it again as an adult.
      2. I know we should have named her bulldozer because I swear she just can know ya right now like its nothing. Plus she eats everything, I'm talking food, screws, plastic, dog collar, her metal cage, you name it she its it.
      3. Haha yea I joked about tipping in the water but no one got it. I guess Tippecanoe is named after some Indiana Chief.

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